I love it when I get a message from M. that they are having another baby and I am invited to take birth photographs at their home birth. They have used the same midwives and had me as their doula and birth photographer at every birth.
This family has a way of making you feel like you are part of their family with the older siblings attending and grandparents enjoying the post birth festivities. You can view her first birth here and her second home birth here. Thank you, Mary, Kon, and kids for inviting me into your home to document another beautiful moment in time. Welcome to the world little one.

My doula baby showing me her photo album from her birth waiting for her youngest sister to be born.

Good morning.

Baby yet?

Strong M. right before she birthed her baby.

The midwives explaining to the girls about how the head molds so the baby can be born.

Big sister gloving up so she can catch.

The birth photographer hard at work with her binoculars.

Dad always catches.

Moments after she was born there was a party.

Grandma and Grandpa showed up without knowing their new grandbaby had been born.
“She was born here? Just an hour or so before?!”

Then the Grandmother was brought to tears. What a beautiful moment to get to capture.

Welcome to the world little one.

If you want to read another home birth story, click here. A huge thank you to my clients for sharing their birth stories with the world. It means so much to so many.