To birth this little girl took a lot of trust, strength, patience and support. This mom was in labour for a few days before she was ready to start pushing. You can’t help but notice the love between these two and now they are a sweet family of three. Welcome to the world little lady.

Acupuncture during labour to help with pushing.

Less then a minute earthside.

This is one of my favourite images. She is just a minute old yet smiling as if to say “I made it!”

If you want to see a post on delayed cord clamping click here! If you want to read a birth story click here or a VBAC birth story here.
A huge thank you to my clients for sharing their birth stories with the world. It means so much to so many.
Morag Hastings is a Doula and Birth Photographer located in Vancouver, BC Canada. Come check out more of her work on her facebook page at or feel free to email me at I would love to hear from you.