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Fast Vancouver Home Birth

“There is a secret in our culture, and it’s not that birth is painful. It’s that women are strong.” ~ Laura Stavoe Harm

When you feel the waves of contractions days and weeks before your baby comes, it can be confusing. How do you know when it is really time? Most of my clients know when it switches, they usually call me and say OK this is it, it feels different.

After getting the THIS IS IT call. I arrived in the evening, set up the pool, and sent these two off to bed. They laboured together snuggled beside each other until it became too intense and they decided to make their way into the living room. Right after this moment my client told me she was in transition:

Vancouver Birth Photographer Apple Blossom Families

Honestly I didn’t really believe her… well because look at her she is dressed, upright and pretty engaged. Not the picture we imagine of a women in transition. We decided to call the midwife so she could get a dose of antibiotics in before her baby arrived. The antibiotics were hung, then suddenly my clients waters broke and the head was right there. It was the most calm, surreal birth experience I have yet to witness. What an honour to get to attend such a wonderful event!

Vancouver Birth Photographer Apple Blossom Families
Vancouver Birth Photographer Apple Blossom Families

The pressure wave that broke the water.

Vancouver Birth Photographer Apple Blossom Families

The head is right there.

Vancouver Birth Photographer Apple Blossom Families

With the next pressure wave, the head was born. There was a pause while the baby rotated and then with the next wave their baby girl was born! ( The mom has said this was not an orgasmic birth she was just happy her baby was almost here.)

Vancouver Birth Photographer Apple Blossom Families
Vancouver Birth Photographer Apple Blossom Families

Vancouver Birth Photographer Apple Blossom Families
Vancouver Birth Photographer Apple Blossom Families

Vancouver Birth Photographer Apple Blossom Families

Vancouver Birth Photographer Apple Blossom Families

The best part of a home birth is getting to snuggle up in your own bed.

Vancouver Birth Photographer Apple Blossom Families

Thank you for sharing your birth story with us Little Heirloom it is so inspiring for so many to see what birth can be gentle and beautiful! *** If you are looking for some sweet baby and kid clothes check out Little Heirloom’s shop. If my kids were little I would be shopping and hiding the receipts from my husband… haha. ***

If you want to read another awesome birth story, click here.

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