I was lucky to attend a birth this week with Natalie from Birth and Beyond, a midwifery clinic located in UBC. (Now Natalie is on Orange team at Pomegranate Midwives.) This mom was working hard to bring her baby into the world when I arrived. She had lots of wonderful support as you can see. Here is their birth story.
Making sure the tub is warm.
So much love and support.
Back rubs.
Bringing her baby down.
Head is out.
The rest between contractions, before the body is born. Dad is ready to help catch.
Up and out into mom’s hands.
She was not so sure about all the kissing.
Now they are a family of three.
If wyou want to read another awesome home birth story, click here. A huge thank you to my clients for sharing their birth stories with the world. It means so much to so many.