Deciding on where you would like to give birth is a big decision. Sometimes you don't know what you want until later in your pregnancy. It is good to set yourself up, so you have many options. In the Lower Mainland, women and their partners can choose to have their baby in a hospital or at home. If you live in Lower Mainland, your postal code might restrict you or you might go to a different hospital if your care provider has privileges at that hospital. Check out our article about choosing your medical care provider.
Where to have my baby in the Lower Mainland?
Here is a list of maternity hospitals to birth your baby in the Lower Mainland and some key points to think about.
Vancouver Maternity Hospital
Only work with maternity patients - not general medicine
Teaching hospital
Often you have to move to a smaller postpartum room after your birth
1:1 nurse care. Your nurse will stay with you for your entire birth
For a cesarean birth, you stay with your baby after the birth
General Medicine hospital - you enter through Emergency
Teaching Hospital
You stay in the room you give birth in after you have had your baby
No Water Birth
1:1 nurse care. Your nurse will stay with you for your entire birth
Burnaby Maternity Hospital
General Hospital - It is a smaller hospital with a smaller maternity unit
Birthing tubs in half the rooms
Shared postpartum rooms
No donor milk on site
White Rock / South Surrey Maternity Hospital
Surrey Maternity Hospital
New Westminster Maternity Hospital
Home Birth
In the Lower Mainland, if you have a midwife you can birth at home if your pregnancy is low risk. Here is a 2012 article where the health minister encourages home birth in low-risk cases. This is a fantastic article outlining 9 reasons you might choose home birth. Dancing Star birth has a great article outlining what supplies would be good to have on hand for your home birth.
More Lower Mainland Hospital Options
Burnaby Hospital Virtual Tour
Other Hospitals
We have prepared for you the ultimate guide on what to pack for the hospital.